Access Consciousness Bars® Certification Course

March 5, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Kerri Russell, Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator

What is Access Consciousness® and The Bars®?


bars classAccess Consciousness Bars®, or “The Bars®”, refer to 32-points on the head that when gently touched help discharge the electromagnetic energy that tends to be stuck in our bodies.  We call this “running The Bars®”. It is a pragmatic tool that aides in clearing what is no longer serving us.  Some people who have experienced The Bars® report stress reduction, relaxation, less “brain chatter”, and more calmness.  For others, they may report a difference in their mood, sleep patterns and sex life. 


The Bars® have helped people in many more areas of their life.  The specific points on the head correspond to areas such as money, creativity, kindness, calm, sexuality, control, and awareness. Running The Bars® regularly is an encouraged practice as it tends to lead to more and more ease in the body.


bars class2Anyone can learn The Bars®, and it can be done about anytime and anywhere. You don’t need special tools or equipment. By learning The Bars®, you can easily run them on family and friends, and help them to run The Bars® on you too!  If you would like to become a practitioner, one class will allow you to charge for your sessions.



The Bars® class is an 8-hour course.  Participants learn the placement of the fingers on the 32-bar points. The points are explained and a few of the Access® tools are discussed.  Licensed massage therapists can earn CEU’s for this class.


barsclass3The Bars® were developed by Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness®.  Access Consciousness® offers many cognitive tools and body processes other than The Bars®.  The Bars® are an excellent place to start, and a required class for most of the Access courses.  By learning and running Bars first, the body can be cared for when releasing other limitations.


Kerri RussellKerri Russell is an Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator and Practitioner at The Sage Center in Beaverton, and The Rose Springs Center in Hillsboro. Over the past two years since she completed her first Bars® class, she has spent hundreds of hours running bars for family, friends and the public. For some, they come away very moved and report significant change, and for others it has been subtle. People who have their bars run come from all backgrounds and experiences.



Are you ready for something greater and different?

8-hour certification course


Contact Kerri Russell 503-936-1748 or