Empowerment Through Relaxation: A Stress Reduction Workshop for Attorneys & Others

September 14, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am America/Los Angeles Timezone
Kenneth Tétreault Educator/Trainer, Pacific Brief Therapy Center
(503) 481-9008

Stress Reduction WorkshopDiscover the art of achieving lasting comfort, relaxation, and enhanced performance within the demanding world of legal practice. Join us for an insightful hour as we delve into the practical techniques that enable attorneys to effortlessly cultivate well-being. Embrace the power of self-directed relaxation and unconscious problem-solving, empowering you to harness these skills before crucial interactions, thereby optimizing positive outcomes. Elevate your own comfort and positively influence those around you, while reinforcing the professional excellence you uphold. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential—reserve your spot today.

Expert Presenter:

Kenneth Tétreault, MA trained extensively at the Mental Research Institute and at Stanford University. Ken’s graduate program at the University of San Francisco was in Brief Therapy with Dr. William E. Aubry who studied extensively both with Richard Fisch and with Dr. Milton H. Erickson. Brief Therapy’s strength lies in its focused and time-sensitive approach. By concentrating on the present and what is maintaining the problem, clients can achieve positive outcomes within a shorter timeframe. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, Mr. Tetreault has had a Brief Therapy practice for over 40 years and assisted many in the legal community, both personally and professionally.


Ken DucharmeSPEAKER: Kenneth Tétreault, MA trained extensively at the Mental Research Institute and at Stanford University. Ken’s graduate program at the University of San Francisco was in Brief Therapy with Dr. William E. Aubry who studied extensively both with Richard Fisch and with Dr. Milton H. Erickson. Brief Therapy’s strength lies in its focused and time-sensitive approach. By concentrating on the present and what is maintaining the problem, clients can achieve positive outcomes within a shorter timeframe. Mr. Tetreault has had a Brief Therapy practice for over 40 years and assisted many in the legal community, both personally and professionally.

REGISTER ONLINE HERE: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4328017/B1A2B0302AFC032CEDB44351EA262FE1