
3 Key Lifestyle Habits that Support Your Get Healthy Goals
Jan 12 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

3 Key Lifestyle Habits that Support Your Get Healthy Goals

healthy living concept hand drawing on blackboardDid you know that getting healthier is the most common goal of the new year? If you’ve got health on the brain, you’re not alone! Come join our workshop where we talk about some key lifestyle habits and how they can hinder or help you reach your goals. Stick around afterwards for a free wellness screening.

When – January 12th, 2019 2p to 3:30p

What – 1 hour workshop followed by 30 minutes for as many free acugraph screenings as we can fit in for those interested. 

Fee – $5 donation appreciated

Contact – Sarah Clark-Williams, CHN, MScN email

Gong and Sacred Sound Journey with Viola Rose
Jan 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Soundbath with Viola Rose

Join Sound-Healer and Sound-Bath facilitator Viola Rose for a sweet, gentle yet powerful journey with healing sounds and music. Featuring immersion into the sounds and vibrations of multiple gongs for clearing and balancing, heart-opening handpans, native american Flute and drum, chimes, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and sweet inspired vocals, lulling you into deep relaxation. Viola also shares pure therapeutic grade essential oils for you to enjoy before and after the soundbath. Viola will play her sound healing instruments both in front of you and will also walk around the room playing them over you, so even though it is a group session, it will also feel somewhat  like a personalized individual sound healing session as well. Viola holds a clear, clean, strong and loving container for you to relax, let go and release whatever may be holding you back. Transformation, deep relaxation, pain relief, downloads, insights and infusions of Joy are common at her events. 
Sound-baths can bring you back into harmony physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so that you can be your best self. 

$20-$30 sliding scale. Cash only please.
Please bring a COMFORTABLE mat, pillow, eye mask, blanket and whatever you might need to to lie down on the floor, or bring a comfy chair to sit in.
the event is 7-8:30pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up your “nest”. We begin at 7:30pm.
Since listening is a key to this experience it is essential to have a quiet container for our journey together. Please do not attend if you have a cough or persistent sniffles. Also for this reason, this event would not be a good fit for children under 12. 

WHY Sound Healing/Sound Bath Meditation?
Sound healing brings one into a deeply relaxed, meditative state.. an often dream-like ethereal trance state in which stress and anxiety melt away from all levels of your being. Harmony, health & higher states of consciousness flow in, allowing healing, deep peace and well-being to occur on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Physically, sound healing works through the nervous system of your body, traveling through the liquid of your cells, and increasing the output of dopamine and serotonin. it is a simple yet profound way to practice self-care. 

Large high quality gongs have such a huge range of tones, overtones and harmonics, that when played well, they literally bathe every cell of the recipient in sound, and help to bring the person back into a state of harmony and wellbeing. They also work on the subtle energy body, clearing blockages and old stagnant energy, so that the recipient can move forward freely.

Most people “come back” from their gongbath journey feeling refreshed, de-stressed and rejuvenated. Some physical aches and pains may have disappeared. Emotions are calmer, and people generally feel more in control of things, and often have been “given” solutions to problems that have been worrying them. People usually feel tingly and as though the gong sound is still working on them, which of course it is – the effect is generally ongoing for several days or even weeks. The gong sounds clear away any energetic debris from the subtle energy body and leave people feeling clear, light and re-energized. Re-tuned, as their whole system has been powerfully vibrated and brought back into a state of harmony​.

Viola Rose is a “Transformational Sound Artist” and has been combining Music and Healing as Sound-Healing in her own inspired way for over 25 years. A Multi-Instrumentalist and inspired Vocalist, she enjoys playing Handpan, Gong, Native Flute, Shamanic drum, Sansula, Didgeridoo, and more, with her favorite instrument being her voice. Viola has an extensive background in Spirituality and Metaphysics as well. She is a Heart-based meditation workshop teacher certified with the School of Remembering, and is also a Sound-Healer, Gong Practitioner, Energy Worker, Certified Holistic Health Coach, certified Laughter Yoga teacher and advocate for living from the Heart. Viola has a deep love for the profound ability of Sacred Sound to heal the Heart and balance the Body/Mind/Spirit. Viola is committed to using music to create more beauty in the world and living with Joy. Visit Viola’s website for more info and to book individual and small group Sound sessions, Gong-Baths, music for events, or Handpan lessons. 

Embracing Interconnection (within our cells & our universe)
Feb 3 @ 3:22 pm – 6:22 pm

Embracing Interconnection (within our cells & our universe)

Through a shift in awareness, we access hope, possibility, and greater ease within the very cells of our body and relationship with our world.


This experiential includes:
~ Paradigm-shifting resources re: our loving community of cells & interconnection of life
~ Stories of dramatic transformations thru techniques we’ll experience
~ TAT® to release stress, allowing our true self to blossom
~ Communicating with our body and microbiome
Per Dr. Mark Hyman: “your microbiome listens to your thoughts, literally changing the flora in your gut”
~ Sync-ing with our Divine Blueprint
~ Choosing a supportive intention
Facilitator: Jeanine DuBois, BA, TAT® Trainer
Gong and Sacred Sound Journey with Viola Rose
Feb 22 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Soundbath with Viola Rose

Join Sound-Healer and Sound-Bath facilitator Viola Rose for a sweet, gentle yet powerful journey with healing sounds and music. Featuring immersion into the sounds and vibrations of multiple gongs for clearing and balancing, heart-opening handpans, native american Flute and drum, chimes, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and sweet inspired vocals, lulling you into deep relaxation. Viola also shares pure therapeutic grade essential oils for you to enjoy before and after the soundbath. Viola will play her sound healing instruments both in front of you and will also walk around the room playing them over you, so even though it is a group session, it will also feel somewhat  like a personalized individual sound healing session as well. Viola holds a clear, clean, strong and loving container for you to relax, let go and release whatever may be holding you back. Transformation, deep relaxation, pain relief, downloads, insights and infusions of Joy are common at her events. 
Sound-baths can bring you back into harmony physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so that you can be your best self. 

$20-$30 sliding scale. Cash only please.
Please bring a COMFORTABLE mat, pillow, eye mask, blanket and whatever you might need to to lie down on the floor, or bring a comfy chair to sit in.
the event is 7-8:30pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up your “nest”. We begin at 7:30pm.
Since listening is a key to this experience it is essential to have a quiet container for our journey together. Please do not attend if you have a cough or persistent sniffles. Also for this reason, this event would not be a good fit for children under 12. 

WHY Sound Healing/Sound Bath Meditation?
Sound healing brings one into a deeply relaxed, meditative state.. an often dream-like ethereal trance state in which stress and anxiety melt away from all levels of your being. Harmony, health & higher states of consciousness flow in, allowing healing, deep peace and well-being to occur on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Physically, sound healing works through the nervous system of your body, traveling through the liquid of your cells, and increasing the output of dopamine and serotonin. it is a simple yet profound way to practice self-care. 

Large high quality gongs have such a huge range of tones, overtones and harmonics, that when played well, they literally bathe every cell of the recipient in sound, and help to bring the person back into a state of harmony and wellbeing. They also work on the subtle energy body, clearing blockages and old stagnant energy, so that the recipient can move forward freely.

Most people “come back” from their gongbath journey feeling refreshed, de-stressed and rejuvenated. Some physical aches and pains may have disappeared. Emotions are calmer, and people generally feel more in control of things, and often have been “given” solutions to problems that have been worrying them. People usually feel tingly and as though the gong sound is still working on them, which of course it is – the effect is generally ongoing for several days or even weeks. The gong sounds clear away any energetic debris from the subtle energy body and leave people feeling clear, light and re-energized. Re-tuned, as their whole system has been powerfully vibrated and brought back into a state of harmony​.

Viola Rose is a “Transformational Sound Artist” and has been combining Music and Healing as Sound-Healing in her own inspired way for over 25 years. A Multi-Instrumentalist and inspired Vocalist, she enjoys playing Handpan, Gong, Native Flute, Shamanic drum, Sansula, Didgeridoo, and more, with her favorite instrument being her voice. Viola has an extensive background in Spirituality and Metaphysics as well. She is a Heart-based meditation workshop teacher certified with the School of Remembering, and is also a Sound-Healer, Gong Practitioner, Energy Worker, Certified Holistic Health Coach, certified Laughter Yoga teacher and advocate for living from the Heart. Viola has a deep love for the profound ability of Sacred Sound to heal the Heart and balance the Body/Mind/Spirit. Viola is committed to using music to create more beauty in the world and living with Joy. Visit Viola’s website for more info and to book individual and small group Sound sessions, Gong-Baths, music for events, or Handpan lessons. 

Wine & Chocolate Gala with Live Jazz and Special Guests
Mar 1 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Wine and Chocolate Gala


Due to the nature of this event and the limited space available, there is an RSVP Limit of two (2)  and all attendees must be at least 18 years of age.  Thank you.


Click to Register For the Event

Sigil Magic & Breathwork
Mar 16 @ 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm

BREATHeThis class is a fun discourse on Sigil work. Sigils are personalized symbols that are created from a power phrase. The symbol is a seed that is embedded into your subconscious where it begins to grow and manifest in all areas of your life.

We will use healing transformational breathwork to “activate” the sigil. Breathwork is an ancient practice used in many cultures to achieve an altered state of consciousness. The method we will be using involves music that is created for a journey experience. We begin by lying down with sensory deprivation (blind folded), using a simple breathing technique.

This is a gentle process that yields big results moving a lot of energy. Afterward you will feel refreshed and focused with aligned energy centers and clear vision.

No previous experience or training necessary.


Please dress comfortably and warm.

Please bring a blanket and pillow.

Please bring a water bottle that closes and a journal.

Organizer: Trisha Mallicoat,  Intuitive Tarot Readings, Energy Work, and Awakening Support

Contact: 503-974-4751 (call or text)  

Register :

Create Your Life – Dream-Board Workshop
Mar 17 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Gong and Sacred Sound Journey with Viola Rose
Mar 22 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Soundbath with Viola Rose

Join Sound-Healer and Sound-Bath facilitator Viola Rose for a sweet, gentle yet powerful journey with healing sounds and music. Featuring immersion into the sounds and vibrations of multiple gongs for clearing and balancing, heart-opening handpans, native american Flute and drum, chimes, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and sweet inspired vocals, lulling you into deep relaxation. Viola also shares pure therapeutic grade essential oils for you to enjoy before and after the soundbath. Viola will play her sound healing instruments both in front of you and will also walk around the room playing them over you, so even though it is a group session, it will also feel somewhat  like a personalized individual sound healing session as well. Viola holds a clear, clean, strong and loving container for you to relax, let go and release whatever may be holding you back. Transformation, deep relaxation, pain relief, downloads, insights and infusions of Joy are common at her events. 
Sound-baths can bring you back into harmony physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so that you can be your best self. 

$20-$30 sliding scale. Cash only please.
Please bring a COMFORTABLE mat, pillow, eye mask, blanket and whatever you might need to to lie down on the floor, or bring a comfy chair to sit in.
the event is 7-8:30pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up your “nest”. We begin at 7:30pm.
Since listening is a key to this experience it is essential to have a quiet container for our journey together. Please do not attend if you have a cough or persistent sniffles. Also for this reason, this event would not be a good fit for children under 12. 

WHY Sound Healing/Sound Bath Meditation?
Sound healing brings one into a deeply relaxed, meditative state.. an often dream-like ethereal trance state in which stress and anxiety melt away from all levels of your being. Harmony, health & higher states of consciousness flow in, allowing healing, deep peace and well-being to occur on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Physically, sound healing works through the nervous system of your body, traveling through the liquid of your cells, and increasing the output of dopamine and serotonin. it is a simple yet profound way to practice self-care. 

Large high quality gongs have such a huge range of tones, overtones and harmonics, that when played well, they literally bathe every cell of the recipient in sound, and help to bring the person back into a state of harmony and wellbeing. They also work on the subtle energy body, clearing blockages and old stagnant energy, so that the recipient can move forward freely.

Most people “come back” from their gongbath journey feeling refreshed, de-stressed and rejuvenated. Some physical aches and pains may have disappeared. Emotions are calmer, and people generally feel more in control of things, and often have been “given” solutions to problems that have been worrying them. People usually feel tingly and as though the gong sound is still working on them, which of course it is – the effect is generally ongoing for several days or even weeks. The gong sounds clear away any energetic debris from the subtle energy body and leave people feeling clear, light and re-energized. Re-tuned, as their whole system has been powerfully vibrated and brought back into a state of harmony​.

Viola Rose is a “Transformational Sound Artist” and has been combining Music and Healing as Sound-Healing in her own inspired way for over 25 years. A Multi-Instrumentalist and inspired Vocalist, she enjoys playing Handpan, Gong, Native Flute, Shamanic drum, Sansula, Didgeridoo, and more, with her favorite instrument being her voice. Viola has an extensive background in Spirituality and Metaphysics as well. She is a Heart-based meditation workshop teacher certified with the School of Remembering, and is also a Sound-Healer, Gong Practitioner, Energy Worker, Certified Holistic Health Coach, certified Laughter Yoga teacher and advocate for living from the Heart. Viola has a deep love for the profound ability of Sacred Sound to heal the Heart and balance the Body/Mind/Spirit. Viola is committed to using music to create more beauty in the world and living with Joy. Visit Viola’s website for more info and to book individual and small group Sound sessions, Gong-Baths, music for events, or Handpan lessons. 

Loving-Kindness Meditation: Mother’s Day edition
May 10 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Zen stonesIn honor or Mother’s Day on Sunday, this month’s meditation is a focus on sharing Loving-Kindness energy with our mothers, and is appropriate for people who already have that relationship or people who are looking to shift the energy to help cultivate that relationship with their parent.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is a metta, or loving-kindness, guided meditation structured after the Prayer of St. Francis. It has a powerful self-healing effect, at the same time, offering tremendous amount of world service.
Please follow the following link to RSVP:
Energy Healing for Pets
May 16 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meditation with dogsBYOD = Bring Your Own Dog!

How does Pranic Healing work so well in so many areas your pet’s life, you may ask? Because everything is energy! Your pet has a physical body and an energy body … and you can help accelerate your pet’s self-healing ability with these simple techniques!

Part 1: Prana Energy Awareness
We have all heard of chi or prana. But how many of us have touched it and seen it? Probably, never. The first part of our class we will focus on learning how to sense the energy. Be prepared to be amazed.

Part 2: Becoming a Healer

You will be introduced to energy anatomy and such as the auric field, the major chakras and meridians. All attendees will perform their first successful healing to remove aches and pains and aches of the demo dogs. You don’t have to feel or see energy to have these techniques work!
$20 pre-register only, includes person and one dog.  Please bring a comfortable bed for your dog to relax on.  Cats best left home, please.  You don’t need an animal to attend.
Please follow the following link to RSVP:
Energy Healing for Pets
May 25 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Meditation with dogsBYOD = Bring Your Own Dog!

How does Pranic Healing work so well in so many areas your pet’s life, you may ask? Because everything is energy! Your pet has a physical body and an energy body … and you can help accelerate your pet’s self-healing ability with these simple techniques!

Part 1: Prana Energy Awareness
We have all heard of chi or prana. But how many of us have touched it and seen it? Probably, never. The first part of our class we will focus on learning how to sense the energy. Be prepared to be amazed.

Part 2: Becoming a Healer

You will be introduced to energy anatomy and such as the auric field, the major chakras and meridians. All attendees will perform their first successful healing to remove aches and pains and aches of the demo dogs. You don’t have to feel or see energy to have these techniques work!
$20 pre-register only, includes person and one dog.  Please bring a comfortable bed for your dog to relax on.  Cats best left home, please.  You don’t need an animal to attend.
Please follow the following link to RSVP:
Energy Healing for Pets
Jun 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Meditation with dogsBYOD = Bring Your Own Dog!

How does Pranic Healing work so well in so many areas your pet’s life, you may ask? Because everything is energy! Your pet has a physical body and an energy body … and you can help accelerate your pet’s self-healing ability with these simple techniques!

Part 1: Prana Energy Awareness
We have all heard of chi or prana. But how many of us have touched it and seen it? Probably, never. The first part of our class we will focus on learning how to sense the energy. Be prepared to be amazed.

Part 2: Becoming a Healer

You will be introduced to energy anatomy and such as the auric field, the major chakras and meridians. All attendees will perform their first successful healing to remove aches and pains and aches of the demo dogs. You don’t have to feel or see energy to have these techniques work!
$20 pre-register only, includes person and one dog.  Please bring a comfortable bed for your dog to relax on.  Cats best left home, please.  You don’t need an animal to attend.
Please follow the following link to RSVP:
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Father’s Day edition
Jun 15 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Zen stones

In honor of Father’s Day on Sunday, this month’s meditation is a focus on sharing Loving-Kindness energy with our fathers, and is appropriate for people who already have that relationship or people who are looking to shift the energy to help cultivate that relationship with their parent.

Come join us for a short guided meditation, called the Meditation for Planetary Peace, or Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is a “metta,” or loving-kindness, guided meditation structured after the Prayer of St. Francis. It has a powerful self-healing effect, at the same time, offering tremendous amount of world service.

Healthfulness Yoga & Meditation
Jul 20 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Manifest While in Hypnosis
Jul 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Stress Management through Effortless Meditation
Aug 17 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Confused or Curious about CBD? @ Sage Center, Conference Room (Building 3, upstairs)
Sep 7 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Confused or Curious about CBD?
Sep 10 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Confused or Curious about CBD? @ Sage Center, Conference Room (Building 3, upstairs)
Sep 10 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
October Stress-Less Neurofeedback Clinic
Oct 20 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Neurofeedback event BeavertonAt Peak Training Center Neurofeedback, we believe that people have a right to mental well being. Our pop-up clinic offers the community the benefits of brain training at a low cost. If you have wanted to experience neurofeedback, this pop-up clinic is the perfect opportunity.

Receive an affordable, 33 minute training session in a quiet, semi-private setting. Reserve your appointment now. Sessions are $45 – a 65% savings off our regular session cost.

For more information about our practice, packages and about NeurOptimal, visit our


Organizers: Jessica Irvine and Andrea Mia


Click to Register for the event.

Spiritual Women’s Circle
Oct 26 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Stress-Less Neurofeedback Clinic @ Conference Room upstairs
Nov 23 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Neurofeedback event BeavertonAt Peak Training Center Neurofeedback, we believe that people have a right to mental well being and optimal performance. Our monthly clinic offers the community the benefits of brain training at a low cost. If you have wanted to experience neurofeedback, this clinic is the perfect opportunity.

Receive an affordable, 33 minute training session in a quiet, semi-private setting. Reserve your appointment now. Sessions are $45 – a 65% savings off our regular session cost.

For more information about our practice, packages and about NeurOptimal, visit our website.

In November, we will host 4 sessions:

  1. 12:15- 1:00
  2. 1:15 – 2:00
  3. 2:15 – 3:00
  4. 3:15 – 4:00

Purchase your ticket now to secure your session. No tickets are sold at the door.

Peak training event

Spiritual Women’s Circle
Nov 23 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Jan 18 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Jerem EganEFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques) are based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. These acu-meridian-based techniques are elegant, extremely gentle and easy to learn. They have been reported successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues and often work where nothing else will.

Over the past several years of using EFT/MTT in my practice, I’ve found that when we are able to gently open blocked emotional energies, the body moves into a state of balance and self-healing. And when the body’s energy is flowing properly, pain issues tend to subside – even long term chronic ones. Most often beneficial results occur within minutes!



I’ve had intermittent chronic back pain (severe at times) for about six years. I was surprised to find that I could reduce my pain level from around 7 on a scale of 10 to zero after doing EFT tapping on the phone with Jerem for about 30 minutes. In the days following, I’ve found that I can greatly reduce or eliminate the back pain every time I tap on my related emotional issues. M. Berman, Computer Specialist, Long Island, NY

EFT/MTT have received high praise from such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and Donna Eden.



Cost: $30

Instructor Jerem Egan, LMT, EFT-ADV holds the EFT Advanced Certificate of Completion, AMMET EFT LEVEL II Certification and has taught EFT Classes since 2006. He is also a Certified Practitioner of the Emotion Code.

View the excellent 7 minute EFT Intro video at:

Body Positive Bellydance
Jan 26 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Jamie AlasciaThrough learning the movements of bellydance, this class encourages exploration of movement regardless of size, gender, age, or any other societal label that tries to make humans feel less. This class provides a safe environment to enjoy embodiment and experience the joy of moving.

Drop in rate is $15 or save by purchasing a multi class pass, both available at

Instructor: Jamie Alascia,Certified Yoga Instructor

The Essence of Shamanic Practice: An Introductory Workshop
Feb 1 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Vision Board Workshop
Feb 2 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Vision Board Workshop
January 26, 2020
10 am – 4:30 pm
Contact Victoria at 503-970-0056, leave a message.
Free ‘how to’ class with real time results: EFT TAPPING – Amazing Self-Healing Technique
Feb 13 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

EFT Class by Jerem EganEFT creator Gary Craig describes the technique as a  needle-free, emotional version of acupuncture.   EFT is extremely gentle, elegant and easy to learn.

In this class we will utilize EFT to address:

♦  Emotional issues 

♦   Health issues 

♦   Performance Issues


I’ve had the honor of practicing and teaching Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) since 2006 and found that when we are able to gently open blocked emotional energies, the body moves into a state of balance and self-healing. When the body’s energy is flowing properly, issues tend to subside – even long term chronic ones.


Most often beneficial results occur within minutes!


EFT has received high praise from such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and Donna Eden!


Excellent 7 minute EFT Intro video




Instructor: Jerem Egan, LMT, EFT-ADV holds the EFT Advanced Certificate of Completion, AMMET EFT LEVEL II Certification and is a Certified Practitioner of the Emotion Code.


Jerem, I absolutely love this work! I am using it with myself and friends, and feel it will become part of a new path for me both individually and in my work. It was beautiful experiencing all the places we went in last week’s class. And the surprise element of using humor with EFT adds the perfect balance of lightness and laughter. Thank you! Kate McKenzie, LMT, Ashland, OR


Thursday February 13 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Saturday, February 15, 2pm to 3pm

Sage Center for Wholeness and Health
10700 Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
Building 3, Conference Room (upstairs), Beaverton OR, 97005

Free ‘how to’ class with real time results: EFT TAPPING – Amazing Self-Healing Technique
Feb 15 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

EFT Class by Jerem EganEFT creator Gary Craig describes the technique as a  needle-free, emotional version of acupuncture.   EFT is extremely gentle, elegant and easy to learn.

In this class we will utilize EFT to address:

♦  Emotional issues 

♦   Health issues 

♦   Performance Issues


I’ve had the honor of practicing and teaching Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) since 2006 and found that when we are able to gently open blocked emotional energies, the body moves into a state of balance and self-healing. When the body’s energy is flowing properly, issues tend to subside – even long term chronic ones.


Most often beneficial results occur within minutes!


EFT has received high praise from such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and Donna Eden!


Excellent 7 minute EFT Intro video




Instructor: Jerem Egan, LMT, EFT-ADV holds the EFT Advanced Certificate of Completion, AMMET EFT LEVEL II Certification and is a Certified Practitioner of the Emotion Code.


Jerem, I absolutely love this work! I am using it with myself and friends, and feel it will become part of a new path for me both individually and in my work. It was beautiful experiencing all the places we went in last week’s class. And the surprise element of using humor with EFT adds the perfect balance of lightness and laughter. Thank you! Kate McKenzie, LMT, Ashland, OR


Thursday February 13 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Saturday, February 15, 2pm to 3pm

Sage Center for Wholeness and Health
10700 Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
Building 3, Conference Room (upstairs), Beaverton OR, 97005

Community Style Accupuncture
Feb 20 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Community accupuncturePoint to Health Acupuncture will be doing community style acupuncture from 12-3pm every third Friday of the month. The cost is $25. The first one will be on Feb 21 and then March 20.
Location is at the Sage Center, 10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Bldg 3, Conference Room (upstairs, there’s an elevator).
Call, email, or text to reserve your spot.
Danielle Quast, L.Ac.
503-860-5009, or
Community Style Accupuncture
Feb 21 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Community accupuncturePoint to Health Acupuncture will be doing community style acupuncture from 12-3pm every third Friday of the month. The cost is $25. The first one will be on Feb 21 and then March 20.
Location is at the Sage Center, 10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Bldg 3, Conference Room (upstairs, there’s an elevator).
Call, email, or text to reserve your spot.
Danielle Quast, L.Ac.
503-860-5009, or
Leap Day 2020 Neurofeedback Clinic
Feb 29 @ 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Get your spot to receive transformational NeurOptimal Neurofeedback at clinic rates.
Our monthly clinic offers the community the benefits of brain training at a low cost. If you have wanted to experience neurofeedback, this clinic is the perfect opportunity.
Receive an affordable, 33 minute training session in a quiet, semi-private setting.
Reserve your appointment now. Sessions are $45 – a 65% savings off our regular session cost.
For more information about our practice, packages and about NeurOptimal, visit our website.
On Leap Day 2020, we will host 4 sessions:
12:30 – 1:00
1:15 – 1:45
2:00 – 2:30
2:45 – 3:15
Purchase your ticket now to secure your session. No tickets are sold at the door.
March 2020 Neurofeedback Clinic
Mar 22 @ 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Get your spot to receive transformational NeurOptimal Neurofeedback at clinic rates.
Our monthly clinic offers the community the benefits of brain training at a low cost. If you have wanted to experience neurofeedback, this clinic is the perfect opportunity.
Receive an affordable, 33 minute training session in a quiet, semi-private setting.
Reserve your appointment now. Sessions are $45 – a 65% savings off our regular session cost.
For more information about our practice, packages and about NeurOptimal, visit our website.
For March, we will host 4 sessions:
12:30 – 1:00
1:15 – 1:45
2:00 – 2:30
2:45 – 3:15
Not sure what Neurofeedback is?
Come to our Brain Clinic!  Experience the relaxing calm of neurofeedback.  Register at

Location: 10700 Southwest Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Building 3, Suite 546

Beaverton, OR, USA

Encounter Yogafaith– All level yoga class
Jan 19 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Krissy Hedges yogaEncounter Yogafaith– All level yoga class, at a slower pace with lots of modification and options to challenge yourself. Bible verses, meditation and guidance on how to take Jesus with you into any mat in any class. Some classes feature original writings by Krislea.

Reservation for classes can be made by texting 503-840-4233 or email

Instructor: Krissy Hedges, Certified Yoga Teacher

Access Bars Class
Apr 16 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jun 11 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am


In this class you will learn easy approaches to support your hormones using Eden Energy Medicine. This includes targeted techniques for specific hormones and general balancing exercises that are helpful for everyone – women and men alike!

A balanced hormonal system means:
● Relief from PMS and Menopause
● The ability to regulate your body temperature (stop being too cold or too hot!)
● Stabilized your blood pressure
● Stabilized moods and reduced anxiety
● More energy!

​In this class you will learn:
● Balancing and grounding exercises that are helpful for men, women, and children
● Targeted techniques for specific hormones
● Support for PMS and Menopause
● Stress relief techniques to support hormone balance


Follow the link to register:
TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE: Ancient Secrets and Practices @ Event Room @ the Sage Center
Jul 21 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE: Ancient Secrets and Practices

Terry McGill

Drop in any Thursday evening to experience gentle yet powerful techniques to align your soul, mind and body.

These are “inner” Qi Gong practices and are usually done sitting.

Come and discover simple techniques that are the core of transforming literally any condition.

No Experience Required.

Presentors:  Terry McGill and Porsche Ing-Johnson
Dates: every Thursday
Time:  7-9 pm PM
Suggested donation: $10
Contact: email please –
Location:        Events Center @ The Sage Center
                   10700 SW 5th Avenue, Beaverton 97005
                    First building on your left – Park in the lot
                                 Room 555 – First Floor
Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Sep 25 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Oct 9 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



“Reiki Reiju”: A Path Of Living Light. A Reiki Core Class. @ Sage Center
Oct 22 @ 12:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Join Reiki Usui Level III/Teacher Lea Ann Quaintance to learn Reiki… but with a focus on your own self care and spiritual development!

Reiki Reiju a Path Core Class logo

Folks often seek out Reiki as a means to help others. I teach Reiki, first and foremost, as a path for self understanding and spiritual development using energy as a basis and tool. While you’ll learn just about everything you’d receive in a Level I and II Reiki course (with a touch of III), I don’t, however, spend much time teaching you to work on others.

This course is primarily for those who are aware of and seek the benefits of energy work and desire a new self care tool.



In class you’ll learn about:

  • What Reiki is and can be
  • The different levels and why there are different levels
  • How to use Reiki for personal growth
  • Gassho, Kenyoku Ho, and Hatsurei Ho and when and how to use them
  • Reiki II and III symbols and their associated concepts
  • Perceiving energy, the chakras, and scanning the energy field
  • Hand positions for working on yourself and a brief introduction to working on others
  • Reiju/attunement process and receive 4 -5 Reiju

To sign up: Head to the class page at: for more details, to sign up, and to send me a message with any questions you may have.

I’ve been a Reiki practitioner since 1995 and it’s become one of my most used self care tools.  I look forward to helping you manifest your own spiritual evolution with the powerful and efficient tool that is Reiki.”


Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Oct 23 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Nov 6 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Nov 14 all-day
Nov 15 all-day
Nov 16 all-day
Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Nov 20 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Dec 4 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Being Light: Group Healing Sessions (with Reiju!) @ Sage Center
Dec 18 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Lightworker Healing Practice Group logo

No matter your level of healing work learning, even if you’ve never given energy work before, no matter your energy work path, you’re most welcome to attend and offer up your healing gifts.

We’ll meet and begin with Reiju, follow up with a short lesson or discussion about some energy work related topic, and then get on with the shares. We’ll work as a small group. We’ll work hands on or hands off depending on the comfort level of the person on the table.

11am – 2pm; sessions: 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, 12/4, 12/18 (TBD by group the session prior)



Send me a message through my page on the Sage Center website or through my website: to let me know you’re coming and to ask any questions you may have.

I look forward to the opportunity to be healed by your touch.



Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Jan 5 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Jan 12 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Jan 19 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Jan 26 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Feb 2 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Feb 9 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Feb 16 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Feb 23 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Mar 2 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Mar 9 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Mar 16 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here:

Hatha Flow, All Levels Yoga
Mar 23 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am



Maddie Adams yoga classHatha Flow, All Levels Yoga: 

Join Maddie Adams at the Sage Center to awaken and nourish body, mind, and heart with seasonally adapted mindful breath and movement practices. Each part of practice will have options provided for those who need a more gentle practice, as well as those wishing for more challenge. All classes are aimed at reconnecting you to the cyclical rhythms of the season and time of day.

Adaptations with chairs provided for all who need, props available on site, or feel free to bring your own.



Instructor: Maddie Adams, Certified Yoga Teacher, C-IAYT, RYT-500

Sign Up Here: